How to Prepare Perfect Lapis Hunkwee
Lapis Hunkwee.
You can have Lapis Hunkwee using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Lapis Hunkwee
- Prepare of Bahan A ::.
- You need 1 bks of tepung Hunkwee.
- Prepare 350 ml of santan dr 1/2 btr kelapa (me: 1/4 btr).
- It's 100 of gula pasir.
- You need 2 lbr of daun pandan.
- You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
- It's of Bahan B ::.
- It's 1 bks of tepung Hunkwee.
- Prepare 100 gr of gula pasir.
- You need 2 sdm of coklat bubuk (larutkan dg 100 ml air panas).
- Prepare 350 ml of santan dr 1/2 btr kelapa (1/4 btr kelapa).
- It's of Bahan pelengkap ::.
- It's 2 bh of pisang raja/kepok, kukus, potong 2 cm.
Lapis Hunkwee instructions
- Ambil panci campur semua bahan A aduk rata, masak sambil terus di aduk2 sampe meletup2 agak kental matikan api. Buang daun pandan Kemudian tuang di cetakan talam/loyang saya pake loyang 20x10..
- ambil panci masukkan tepung hunkwee, gula pasir, larutan coklat & tuang santan aduk sampe tdk bergerindil. Masak spt point 1, lalu tuang diatas lapis tadi dan beri hiasan potongan pisang dg di tekan di atas kue..
- Setelah dingin, potong2 sesuai selera..
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